
Useful Weblinks & Apps

for Autonomous Learning


How to Use This Page

The table below features useful websites and apps that you can use to improve your English skills by yourself.

  1. Decide on the English skill you wish to improve or practice.
  2. Select the skill from the [English Skill] filter box at the top the table.
  3. Select your language level from the [English Proficicency]  filter box at the top of the table
  4. Click on the website that interests you.


If you cannot understand the content on the website or app, this means that the proficiency level is probably too high for you. If the website or app is not challenging enough for you, then perhaps you need to choose a higher level.

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Useful Weblinks & Apps for Self-Study

Website / App
English Skill
SciTech English
English Proficiency
OpenStax is a nonprofit organization based at Rice University. OpenStax publishes free peer-reviewed and openly-licensed digital textbooks for English-speaking high school and university students. Textbook subjects include mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities, and business. This website is especially useful for students who are interested in reading about their specific subject area in English. This will help you to learn vocabulary specific to your field of study. OpenStaxはRice大学に基盤を置く非営利団体です。OpenStaxは無料のデジタル教科書を出版していますが、それらは査読を経て作成され共同編集が可能なオープンライセンスになっています。教科書は、数学、自然科学、社会科学、人文学、ビジネスなどのトピックで提供されています。それらのトピックについてリーディング経験を深めたい学習者にとってお勧めです。教科書からトピック固有の語彙を学ぶこともできます。