
Useful Weblinks & Apps

for Autonomous Learning


How to Use This Page

The table below features useful websites and apps that you can use to improve your English skills by yourself.

  1. Decide on the English skill you wish to improve or practice.
  2. Select the skill from the [English Skill] filter box at the top the table.
  3. Select your language level from the [English Proficicency]  filter box at the top of the table
  4. Click on the website that interests you.


If you cannot understand the content on the website or app, this means that the proficiency level is probably too high for you. If the website or app is not challenging enough for you, then perhaps you need to choose a higher level.

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Useful Weblinks & Apps for Self-Study

Self-study Websites & Apps
Website / App Description URL
THE JAPAN TIMES This free site features the latest news in Japan – business, culture, politics, entertainment, and sports. Some news stories have audio above the story so students can read while listening. Signing up to the site gives you access to more stories.
NHK WORLD JAPAN This site broadcasts videos of Japanese and world news in 19 languages, including English. A summary of each story is below the video to help with comprehension.
ALPHA ONLINE Alpha is the student version of The Japan Times newspaper. It has been made specifically for English learners. The free site allows students to read the feature news story every week. There is no audio. With subscription, students can read 5 stories per month including a Japanese translation.
Alphaは、The Japan Times新聞の学生版です。特に英語学習者のために作成されています。 無料のサイトで、毎週、特集ニュースを読むことができます。音声はありません。定期購読をすれば、月に5本の記事(日本語訳付き)を読むことができます。
NEWS ON JAPAN Simplified news articles and stories related specifically to Japan.
THE BRITISH COUNCIL This webpage offers mini dialogues to help students understand common vocabulary and expressions. Basic situations include simple explanations, introductions, messages and announcements, while more complex situations include presentations, broadcasts, and professional meetings.
ESOL COURSES ESOL offers free digital resources for learning English. You can practice your English with free interactive lessons and quizzes. Click on your level [Elementary | Pre-Intermediate | Intermediate | Advanced] and then Listening or Reading Lessons and Activities.
BREAKING NEWS ENGLISH This website focuses on current affair topics from around the world. Each topic has 7 levels (0-6). It is updated every 2 days. Students can practice listening, reading, grammar, and vocabulary.
PODCASTS IN ENGLISH This website contains a variety of talks, mostly in British English. The talks can be accessed for free, but vocabulary or practice exercises require a paid subscription.
ELLLO This website contains a variety of talks, mostly in British English. The talks can be accessed for free, but vocabulary or practice exercises require a paid subscription.
ENGLISH CENTRAL English Central presents subtitled videos with both English and Japanese language support for viewing and learning. You can choose from a variety of topics such as Business |Media | Social | Travel. It also focuses on vocabulary recognition and pronunciation. To access the videos, you must register with the site. After selecting a topic that interests you, you can select your level: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
"English Central では、英語と日本語の両方に対応した字幕付きの動画を紹介しており、視聴や学習に役立てることができます。ビジネス|メディア|ソーシャル|トラベルなど、さまざまな分野からトピックから選ぶことができます。また、語彙や発音にも力を入れています。ビデオにアクセスするには、サイトへの登録が必要です。興味のあるトピックを選択した後は、「初級」「中級」「上級」の3つのレベルから自分に適したレベルを選択してください。
VOICE OF AMERICA (VOA) VOA is a multimedia source of news around the world made specifically for English learners. The speed of speech is slow and scripts are available below videos.
BBC 6-MINUTE ENGLISH BBC 6-minute English has a variety of general topics that can help you to learn and practice useful English language for everyday situations. The transcripts are below the video.
BBC 6-minute Englishでは、日常的な場面で役立つ英語を学び、実践するための一般的なトピックを紹介しています。トランスクリプトはビデオの下にあります
TED-ED In addition to a wealth of TED videos in a variety of fields, which can be viewed with subtitles, this site also contains practice questions for study and a discussion forum. Go to the [student] page. Click on the arrow beside [All Subjects] to choose a topic you are interested in.
TEDは様々な分野のTEDビデオを豊富に収録し、字幕付きで視聴できるものですが、このTED-Edには、学習用の練習問題やディスカッションフォーラムも用意されています。まずは [student] のページを選択してください。次に、[All Subjects]の横にある矢印をクリックして、興味のあるトピックをお選びください。
KHAN ACADEMY This popular course website, with free sign-up, provides you with a choice of hundreds of lectures ranging in content and level -- Math, Science, Economics, Arts, & Computing. Videos have subtitles, there are reading passages on the topics and practice questions. This website is especially useful for students who would like to become more accustomed to listening to specific content areas in English.
PBS NOVA This site presents videos related mainly to scientific disciplines. Scripts are available and you can change the playback speed to suit your listening ability.
NPR NPR is a great website to find podcasts of naturally spoken English. You will be exposed to a vast amount of vocabulary and expressions used in international contexts. Select podcasts from | Featured | Daily | News | Stories | Music |
MIT OPEN COURSEWARE In addition to videos of actual lectures from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, course syllabi, assignments, and other support for students are available on this site. Click on the [Find Courses] tab and then select the content area that interests you by topic – sub-topic – specialty. This site is especially beneficial to students who will study abroad.
本サイトでは、米国マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)の実際の講義映像に加え、コースのシラバスや課題や受講者へのサポート教材も掲載しています。[ Find Courses ] タブをクリックして、興味のあるコンテンツエリアをtopic - sub-topic - specialtyの順に選択してください。このサイトは、特に海外留学をしたい学生にとって有益です。
GRAMMARLY PLAGIARISM CHECKER Grammarly free plagiarism checker detects plagiarism in your text and checks for other writing issues. The paid version helps you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
Grammarly free plagirism checkerは、あなたが書いた文章の中に盗用の可能性がないかを検出し、その他の文章の問題点もチェックします。有料版では、間違いをなくし、表現するために最適な言葉を見つけるためのサポートが付きます。
GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION GENERATOR Use the search bar to search for an article. When you click the quotation mark button ( " ) beneath the results found in Google Scholar, several types of reference citations appear and can be copy and pasted to a reference list.
調べたい学術記事を探すためには、まず検索窓に適切な検索語を入力してください。Google Scholar のエントリーの下にある引用符ボタン( " )をクリックすると、数種類の参考文献引用が表示され、参考文献リストにコピー&ペーストすることができます。
DEEP L A free translation service offering free translations in several languages.
GOOGLE TRANSLATE Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
IELTS SPEAKING This website will help you to prepare for the speaking section of the IELTS examination.
DUOLINGO DuoLingo is a popular language-learning platform and the most downloaded education app in the world, with more than 300 million users. The lessons are designed to feel like a game.
BUSUU Busuu is a popular self-study website and app for learning a new language. You can learn at your own pace from complete beginner to advanced in 12 languages. You can start with a placement test or choose your own level.
ELC STUDY ZONE The Study Zone is a self-study website for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria in Canada. Choose your level, choose a topic, then choose a lesson.
The Study Zoneは、カナダのビクトリア大学にあるEnglish Language Centre (ELC)の学生のための自習用ウェブサイトです。レベルを選び、トピックを選び、そしてレッスンを選びます。
EXTENSIVE READING CENTRAL Extensive Reading Central is a learning platform for second language learners to improve reading and listening. After signing up, check your reading and listening levels. Then read, listen and learn with thousands of graded readers. Improve your reading speed and comprehension and check your progress.
Extensive Reading Centralは、第二言語学習者がリーディングとリスニングを上達させるための学習プラットフォームです。登録後、自分のリーディングとリスニングのレベルをチェックしてください。その後、レベル分けされた何千人もの学習者と一緒に読み、聞き、学びます。読解速度と理解力を向上させ、自分の進歩をチェックしてください。
DICTATION IO Speech recognition software which transforms your words to text immediately. You can practice dictating emails, essays or any other document. As your pronunciation improves, your speed will become faster.
MAGOOSH TOEFL This website has information, learning plans, advice, and free practice tests to help you improve your TOEFL test score.
Z-TYPE Improve your typing speed by shooting letters in this fast-paced shooting game. This will help students to write essays and exam responses more quickly.
5-LEVELS In “5 Levels”, an expert scientist explains a high-level subject in five different layers of complexity— first to a child, then a teenager, then an undergrad majoring in the same subject, a grad student and, finally, a colleague.
5 Levels では、専門の科学者が高度なテーマを、最初は子供に、次に10代の若者に、次に同じテーマを専攻している学部生に、そして大学院生に、最後に同僚にと、複雑さを5段階に分けて説明します。
OpenStax OpenStax is a nonprofit organization based at Rice University. OpenStax publishes free peer-reviewed and openly-licensed digital textbooks for English-speaking high school and university students. Textbook subjects include mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities, and business. This website is especially useful for students who are interested in reading about their specific subject area in English. This will help you to learn vocabulary specific to your field of study. OpenStaxはRice大学に基盤を置く非営利団体です。OpenStaxは無料のデジタル教科書を出版していますが、それらは査読を経て作成され共同編集が可能なオープンライセンスになっています。教科書は、数学、自然科学、社会科学、人文学、ビジネスなどのトピックで提供されています。それらのトピックについてリーディング経験を深めたい学習者にとってお勧めです。教科書からトピック固有の語彙を学ぶこともできます。
NEWS IN LEVELS This website has world news in English in three different levels of difficulty. At the end of Level 3, you can watch a video about the topic.
NHK ENGLISH BROADCASTS This is a service that allows you to listen to NHK radio programs at the same time as broadcasting them via the Internet. You can listen to radio language programs anywhere on your computer smartphone or tablet. For smartphones and tablets, there is a free app.
Oxford Learner's English Dictionary The Oxford Learner's Dictionary is largest free online dictionary for learners of British (blue) and American (red) English with simple definitions, example sentences, synonyms, word origins, idioms, and audio pronunciation.
Cambridge Dictionary The Cambridge Dictionary is a useful resource fo rsecond language learners as it gives many examples which teach how to use words in a sentence. It also has audio pronunciation in British and American English, and SMART vocabulary which gives related words and phrases. Users can choose the "English" mode from the search box for monolingual definitions in English.
ケンブリッジ英語辞典は、第2言語学習者にとって便利な資料集です。文中での単語の使い方を教えてくれる多くの例文が掲載されています。また、イギリス英語とアメリカ英語の音声発音や、関連する単語やフレーズを提供する "SMARTボキャブラリー" もあります。英英辞典モードにするには、検索窓の右を "English" にしてください。"English-Japanese"にすると英和辞典モードになります。
Longman Dictionary The Longman English Dictionary can be used by learners of English of all levels. It has definitions, idioms, and several example sentences with audio in British (red) and American (blue) English. Users can choose the "English" mode from the search box for monolingual definitions in English.
ロングマン英語辞典は、あらゆるレベルの英語学習者が使用できます。定義、イディオム、例文が掲載されています。発音は、イギリス英語(赤)とアメリカ英語(青)の音声付きで掲載されています。英英辞典モードにするには、検索窓の左を "English" にしてください。"English-Japanese"にすると英和辞典モードになります。
The Purdue OWL The Purdue OWL offers free resources including Writing and Teaching Writing, Research, Grammar and Mechanics, Style Guides, ESL (English as a Second Language), and Job Search and Professional Writing.
The Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) は無料の資料集で、ライティング、ライティング指導、研究、文法、句読点、文体、第2言語としての英語、就職や職業的目的のためのライティングなどについての情報を提供しています。
SKELL SKELL (Sketch Engine for Language Learning) is a simple tool for students and teachers of English to easily check whether or how a particular phrase or a word is used by real speakers of English.
No registration or payment required. All examples, collocations and synonyms were identified automatically by ingenious algorithms and state-of-the-art software analyzing large multi-billion samples of text. No manual work was involved.
SKELL (Sketch Engine for Language Learning) は、英語学習者と英語教師のために作られたツールで、ある語や句が実際の英語話者にはどのように使われているかを知ることができます。登録や使用料は不要です。すべての例文、コロケーション(連語)、類義語は、独創的なアルゴリズムと最新のソフトウェアが何十億ものテクストサンプルを解析した上で提示されています。人力は一切入っていません。
Academic Phrasebank - The University of Manchester The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers. It aims to provide students with examples of some of the phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of writing organised according to the main sections of a research paper or dissertation (see the top menu ). Other phrases are listed under the more general communicative functions of academic writing (see the menu on the left).
The Academic Phrasebankは、学術英語の書き手が広く利用できるリソースです。このサイトでは、学術論文や博士論文の主要セクションに沿って、ライティングに必要なフレーズの例を提供しています(上部メニュー参照)。その他のフレーズは、アカデミックライティングの一般的なコミュニケーション機能の下に掲載されています(左のメニューを参照)。
The Science of Scientific Writing This article was originally published in the November-December 1990 issue of American Scientist. Since then, it has inspired scientists worldwide. The authors demonstrate a number of rhetorical principles that can produce clarity in communication without oversimplifying scientific issues. The results are substantive, not merely cosmetic: Improving the quality of writing actually improves the quality of thought.
この記事はAmerican Scientistの1990年11-12月号に掲載され、以来、世界中の科学者を啓発してきています。著者は、いくつかの修辞的原則を示して、科学的な問題を過度に単純化することなく、コミュニケーションに明快さをもたらす方法を解説します。文章の質を向上させることは、単なる外面上の操作ではなく、実際に思考の質を向上させるという本質的な結果をもたらします。
The Yoshida-Minami Library: Extensive Reading in English The site introduces the bookshelves specially designed for English learners on the second floor of the Yoshida-Minami Library. The site also explains the method of extensive reading to develop learners' English proficiency.
Effective Writing The journal Nature provides an easy guide on writing clearly, accurately, and concisely for scientific purposes. The topic includes verb tense, active/passive voice, dangling verb forms, and mechanics.
Japan Knowledge Lib Japan Knowledge Lib is one of Japan's most extensive reference sites, allowing users to search more than 70 encyclopedias, series, and magazines. The basic search is easy to search across all the references, while the advanced (individual) search allows for more detailed investigations. Kyoto University members can use this site by accessing Kyoto University's WiFi.
ジャパンナレッジLib は、70以上の辞事典・叢書・雑誌が検索できる日本最大級の辞書・事典サイトです。基本検索はすべての辞事典を横断検索しやすいようにシンプルな作りにしている一方、詳細(個別)検索ではより詳しく検索できるようになっています。京都大学のWiFiからアクセスすれば利用できます。
CommonLit CommonLit is a nonprofit education technology organization dedicated to ensuring that all students can improve the reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Go to [BROWSE CONTENT]. Select your level by grade and your topic by interest. CommonLitは、すべての学習者が大学やその先で成功するために必要なリーディング、ライティング、コミュニケーション、問題解決のスキルを確実に向上させることを目的とした、非営利の教育テクノロジー組織です。[BROWSE CONTENT] を選んだ後に、学年でレベルを、興味でトピックを選択してください。
English Communication for Scientists English Communication for Scientists is offered by Scitable, a website managed by Nature, one of the most renowned scientific journals. This site consists of six units: Communicating as a Scientist, Writing Scientific Papers, Writing Correspondence, Giving Oral Presentations, Interacting During Conference Sessions, and Communicating in the Classroom. It is a very useful resources for young researchers. English Communication for Scientistsは、最も有名な科学雑誌の一つである「Nature」が運営するサイト「Scitable」で提供されています。このサイトは「科学者としてのコミュニケーション」、「科学論文の書き方」、「文書のやり取り」、「口頭発表の仕方」、「学術会議での対話」、「教室でのコミュニケーション」の6つのユニットで構成されています。若手研究者にとって有益なリソースとなっています。
iBiology iBiology’s mission is to convey, in the form of open-access free videos, the excitement of modern biology and the process by which scientific discoveries are made. There are over 600 scientific talks from the world’s leading scientists, sharing their research, their experiences, and the joys of discovery.